Since I have met my deductible (thanks Baby B) I decided to go to the dermatologist to have him look at a few moles. I knew that the Doctor was knife happy thanks to a warning from a few of my co-workers, but I went anyways. I knew what I was walking into, but I was still so blown away when he marked all three places that I showed him with a maker so that he could take them off.
Wait, let me back up for a moment.....
I wasn't exactly running late for the appointment, but I wasn't exactly on time. I walked through the office doors right at 2:30P, my appointment time. I choose that time so that I could make it out of Green Hills and off of I-440 before rush hour hit. I stayed in the waiting room for an hour before they called me back to wait in the exam room for an additional 40 minutes.
My waiting room experience was definitely something to write about. When babies (especially cute babies like Braxton) are around everybody wants to talk to you about the baby. I have no problem talking about Braxton (see previous seven weeks worth of the blog), but there are just somethings that shouldn't be talked about, especially with strangers. When I first sat down a woman (and obvious Grandmother) started asking me the basic questions like how old, is he our first, name, etc.
After that conversation was over another Grandmother came over to sit beside me. Right there is where the red flag started waving. In a waiting room if you are able the common courtesy is for there to be a chair between you and the closest person. Right?! Well, this women didn't get that memo. Anyways, this women also asked the same basic questions, she showed me photos of her grandkids, told me how much she hates one of the kids name, she talked about how she is a nanny and would love to keep a baby. (Yes, I know that was a run on sentence, but the woman never stopped talking.) I politely told her that Braxton had a good daycare center that he was going to. I was thinking, just because I am in Green Hills and just because I have a Coach diaper bag doesn't mean that I can afford a personal nanny. Then she lend over and said, "Can I ask you a personal question?" I thought, "Great, here comes the breastfeeding question." God, how I wish that was the question, but it wasn't. The question was about another body part. "Is he circumcised?" was what came out of her mouth. I guess that she could see the shock on my face so she went on to explain that she knows there is a debate about getting it done "these days." Then she went silent for the first time in 30 minutes and she stared at me waiting on the answer. I am usually so good at giving good comebacks. However, when I am just stunned by someones rudeness I stutter out an answer. Thank God the receptionist called me back like two minutes after I gave my answer, otherwise who knows what else that woman would have asked. I can only imagine!
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