November 11, 2009

Trying To Save The World

I feel really blessed in life and I want that blessed feeling to continue so I try to do good things.

I recycle.
I have helped my department at work at work become more paperless.
I donate blood on a regular basis.
I have raised money and committed a lot of time to the charities of Camels with a Cause.
I have donated food to Second Harvest Food Bank.
I am collecting books to start a children's library at a housing complex in Murfreesboro.

Yesterday afternoon I was at a stop light getting ready to get onto the highway from Downtown Nashville. This intersection always has homeless people there asking for money. I usually have no cash on me so I just drive on by while I say a prayer for them. There I was sitting in my SUV about to call someone on my iPhone that I had just gotten out of my Coach purse and wearing a pair of expensive boots. Oh, and I was headed to Target to shop and then on my way home to eat a full dinner and watch my big screen TV in my nice warm house. With all of that going through my head there is no wonder that I felt compelled to give when I saw the guy walk up to my window. This time it was different, I actually had cash to give! I rolled my window to hand him my change. He immediately asked for $5. I gave him what I had already pulled out of my wallet. He looked at it and then back up at me. I told him that it was a $1 coin. "Well, don't you got anymore?" I felt bad when I lied to him and said I didn't when in fact I had about $3 more. He then just walked away and my blood boiled so I called out "YOU"RE WELCOME!" He muttered, "Yeah, thanks."

I was so frustrated with him for not being thankful. That dollar could buy him a hamburger from McDonald's or some water or something else. As I drove towards Target I thought about what had happened. The conclusion that I came to was...when you give you aren't suppose to expect anything in return. The next thought was...but a little "thank you" isn't to much to ask. Is it?!

Don't worry, I will keep trying to save the world one good deed at a time.

November 8, 2009

Sweet Peas

The doctor said that we could start B on either veggies or fruit, so sweet peas it was.

I believe that we can call this a success. We let Bruiser finish up the sweet peas.

A Not So Happy Halloween

Don't let the pictures fool you, Braxton wasn't feeling 100% for Halloween. However, we still had to let him enjoy the festivities.

Later That Night

After the shots had been in B's system he developed a fever. I'm going to brag for a moment...Braxton is a very easy going child. The only time that he lets out a cry or a scream is when he is hungry. That night no matter what we did for him he was not a happy camper. By the morning you could tell that he was tired of not feeling well. We had been alternating Tylenol and Benadryl. Yeah, we had reached the crapiness trifecta...shots, allergies AND teething.

Four Month Checkup

After our visit to cj, Braxton had his four month check up.

We had Braxton in his Halloween costume and the staff LOVED it!

The first vaccination went well.

Now if only the other three went as well.

Braxton got vaccinated for:
Hepatitis B
Haemophilus Influenzae type b (Hib)
Pneumoccal Conjugate

Four Month and Six Days Stats:
Height (well it's actually still length, right?): 25 inches
Weight: 14 pounds
Head Circumference: 43 centimeters

If you are a percentile person here you go:
Height: 49%
Weight: 28%
Head Circumference: 66%

At this visit everything looked good and so the doctor told us that we could start Braxton on baby food. Wait a moment!! Didn't we just start ceral a week ago? Braxton is growing up so fast! Well, fruits and veggies here we come.