When I was looking through all of Braxton's pictures from his first month of life I started seeing a pattern...I wasn't in them. Well, that's not completely true. I was in several pictures from the hospital, but after that they were all just Baby B or Baby B and Daddy. After I told Jeremy about my revelation he said that he would be more than willing to take more pictures of Braxton and I. So this is what I got....

A warning to ALL women: Be more specific in what you ask your boyfriend/husband/sidekick to do. Remember, men interrupt things A LOT different then we mean for them to.
Jeremy, Please take pictures of Braxton and I when we are
A) awake
B) clean
C) looking or doing something cute
D) whenever I tell you to grab them camera
Thanks for your cooperation with this! :)
That's sooo Jeremy Head that I had to forward this to all of media. It got a good laugh from all.