Speaking of Braxton and breathing... I find myself waking up in the middle of the night and thinking that it sounds too quite in the house. I get out of bed (or off the couch) and go into Braxton's room and put my hand on his chest just to make sure. As soon as my worst fear is not realized I creep back out of his room hoping that I didn't wake him. When does a parent stop going in and checking to make sure that their child is still breathing? Or is this something that you do until they move out of the house? Anyone want to answer that one?
Braxton sleeping in his Boppy. Yes, I can read and I know that on the tag of the Boppy it has the word "Sleep" with a big line through it.
A few days ago Braxton was taking a nap in his crib. He had been sleeping for a while and so had I. When I woke up I thought that if I wanted to take a shower before Jeremy came home that I better jump in quick. Otherwise, Braxton was going to wake up and want/need to eat. I had been in the shower for just a few minutes when of course Braxton decided to wake up. The monitor would go off with Braxton's cries then Bruiser would start whining, then Braxton's cries, then Bruiser's whining. This continued on for a little bit (I had to finish getting the conditioner out of my hair). When I stepped out of the shower Bruiser was sitting in front of the monitor staring at it. He looked at me and pratically said, "Are you going to get him to stop crying or do I need to go see what he needs?"
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