May 10, 2009

Mother's Day Encore Post

I've just listed a few things that I want to teach Braxton. Now let me share a few things that I have learned with my mom. (Please, someone in Murray print this post out for my mom since she is computer illiterate.)

*These are in no particular order of importance.

1. Never walk out of a bathroom without checking to make sure that your skirt is not tucked into your pantyhose and that you don't have toilet paper stuck to your shoe. (Yes, both have happened to her in different stages of her life.)

2. Volunteer. Give money if you are able (no matter the amount), give your time if money is not an option, but most importantly give your prayers.

3. Prayer works, just maybe not in the way that you intended it work. God does know what is best for you and you have to accept that, no matter how hard it is to accept.

4. "Condoms can't protect your heart," "You can get pregnant the first time, " and "Herpes are forever" are a few of the quotes that my mom (the nurse) drilled into my head. She was obviously going for the scare tactic, huh?

5. Be independent. (My mom might have taught this one a little to well.) When I was older I remember my mom telling me that after my father left she didn't know how to do anything for herself. She said that she didn't know how to pump gas for the car or where to pay the bills among other things.

6. Make mistakes in life, but LEARN from them. I may not have chosen the easiest paths in my life but my mom had laid the ground work for to me be able to get back on the correct path. (Yeah, I teared up at that comment.)

7. A mother's love is unconditional!! Trust me, I challenged that love a lot while I was growing up. My mom may not have always loved what I was doing, but she did love me and I knew that she did! (More tears, I blame the hormones.)

Please share some of the "Mommy-isms" that you have received or given.


  1. First of all, Happy Mother's Day, Lauren :)

    Teach him to treat people the way you want to be treated.

    Oh, and do his future wife a favorite- teach him to clean house, wash dishes, do laundry. :P

  2. beautiful post, I'm sure your mom cried. I can't believe you are going to be a mom in a few short weeks. Congrats! Love the blog. -- Missy Tish

  3. Great ones LP!
    Could we add if you have a smart mouth your Mom might hit you in the head with the remote and then call her friend because she feels so badly about hitting you with the remote?
    Enjoy every step, you already have much more wisdom than I did!
    You will be a GREAT Mommy!
