It is 1:12A on Thursday morning and I up so I thought that it would be a good time to tell you all about my dream last night. After the news that lab results brought, sleep didn't come easy on Tuesday night.
At one point I woke up and asked Jeremy if he had been rubbing my stomach. He told me that he hadn't touched me. I said that it felt like someone had been rubbing it. His response was that it was God telling Braxton that everything was going to be okay.
I know that prayers work and I appreciate every single one of them that you all are sending our way. Thank you and please keep them coming!
May 28, 2009
May 26, 2009
1 in 1,000
If you knew that I was special, raise your hand.
Okay, you can put your hand down.
As you know I have been itching A LOT lately. Today I got my lab results and the doctor said that I have what is called Cholestasis of pregnancy. This basically is a form of liver disease that can only occur during pregnancy (and usually goes away after delivery). Here is how it happens: Pregnancy hormones affect gallbladder function, resulting in slowing or stopping the flow of bile. The gallbladder holds bile that is produced in the liver, which is necessary in the breakdown of fats in digestion. When the bile flow is stopped or slowed down, this causes a buildup of bile acids in the liver which can spill into the bloodstream. Gross, huh?! Don't worry, I'll leave out all of the symptoms that I have experienced. This blog is a look into our lives, just not that close of a look.
How did this happen? Who knows! The only reason that I am coming up with is that I'm special. Cholestasis of pregnancy occurs in approximately 1 in 1,000. The most common "risk" factors are below.
~Women carrying multiples-Nope just one little guy in there
~Women who have previous liver damage-None to my knowledge
~Women whose mother or sisters had Cholestasis-No sisters and my mom and my aunt didn't have this
~Women who come from Swedish and Chilean ethnic groups-Nope again, I'm Welsh and Dutch
So what does this mean for Braxton?
I go on Thursday for a stress test like exam on Braxton. I really don't know what they are going to do or what will happen next. The things that I have read on the Internet (all reputable sites I swear) say that labor will probably be induced at 37 weeks (that is just a short 3 1/2 weeks away), test will be conducted weekly, he will be given steroids before birth, also before birth we both will get a Vitamin K shot to reduce the chance of hemorrhaging and a few other things could happen that I really don't want to talk or think about.
I know that things could be worse, but from someone who has had an amazingly easy pregnancy it is kind of freaking Jeremy and I out. Please keep all three of us in your thoughts and prayers. Thanks!
Okay, you can put your hand down.
As you know I have been itching A LOT lately. Today I got my lab results and the doctor said that I have what is called Cholestasis of pregnancy. This basically is a form of liver disease that can only occur during pregnancy (and usually goes away after delivery). Here is how it happens: Pregnancy hormones affect gallbladder function, resulting in slowing or stopping the flow of bile. The gallbladder holds bile that is produced in the liver, which is necessary in the breakdown of fats in digestion. When the bile flow is stopped or slowed down, this causes a buildup of bile acids in the liver which can spill into the bloodstream. Gross, huh?! Don't worry, I'll leave out all of the symptoms that I have experienced. This blog is a look into our lives, just not that close of a look.
How did this happen? Who knows! The only reason that I am coming up with is that I'm special. Cholestasis of pregnancy occurs in approximately 1 in 1,000. The most common "risk" factors are below.
~Women carrying multiples-Nope just one little guy in there
~Women who have previous liver damage-None to my knowledge
~Women whose mother or sisters had Cholestasis-No sisters and my mom and my aunt didn't have this
~Women who come from Swedish and Chilean ethnic groups-Nope again, I'm Welsh and Dutch
So what does this mean for Braxton?
I go on Thursday for a stress test like exam on Braxton. I really don't know what they are going to do or what will happen next. The things that I have read on the Internet (all reputable sites I swear) say that labor will probably be induced at 37 weeks (that is just a short 3 1/2 weeks away), test will be conducted weekly, he will be given steroids before birth, also before birth we both will get a Vitamin K shot to reduce the chance of hemorrhaging and a few other things could happen that I really don't want to talk or think about.
I know that things could be worse, but from someone who has had an amazingly easy pregnancy it is kind of freaking Jeremy and I out. Please keep all three of us in your thoughts and prayers. Thanks!
May 25, 2009
Bruiser's Toys vs. Braxton's Toys
Lately we have been bringing home toys for Braxton. Bruiser has told us that he is getting a little bit jealous because he hasn't gotten a new toy in a while. Guess what I bought this afternoon on a shopping trip to Target? You got it, a new toy!
Bruiser always greets us at the door with a toy in his mouth. When I walked through the door and had the new toy in my hand he immediately dropped the old toy and started chewing on the new toy. He hasn't stopped chewing on the new toy this entire afternoon.
Now enjoy a lick-by-lick account of Bruiser's new toy.

Bruiser always greets us at the door with a toy in his mouth. When I walked through the door and had the new toy in my hand he immediately dropped the old toy and started chewing on the new toy. He hasn't stopped chewing on the new toy this entire afternoon.
Now enjoy a lick-by-lick account of Bruiser's new toy.
May 22, 2009
The Itchy and Scratchy Show
The past couple of weeks I have been itching all over my body. Yes, I know that when skin stretches that it can cause your skin to be itchy, but this is not what I am talking about. I'm talking about being absolute miserable with my skin crawling and no relief in sight!
I haven't changed lotions, body wash, shampoo/conditioner or anything like that recently. So I have no idea where all of this itching and scratching came from. I have tried the calming lotion and there was still no relief. At least, there hasn't been an actual rash that has broken out!
A few nights ago it was so bad that I couldn't sleep. (I was at least productive during my non-sleeping hours of 10P and 5A.)So, today I broke down and called my doctor. My nurse told me to come in for some lab work so that we could rule out something going on with my liver.
In the meantime she gave some medicine to take since the lab work won't be back until Tuesday. As I read the directions and usage instructions I start cracking up. The very first sentence says, "Hydroxyzine is used for the short-term treatment of nervousness and tension that may occur with certain mental/mood disorders." I swear, I'm not crazy, my skin really does itch!! The information sheet did go on to say, "It is also used to treat itching."
So why do I itch all over????? The only change in my routine that I could come up with was that recently I have been taking Prilosec daily for heartburn. (In my defense, my Doctor said that I could.) After talking with my mom she suggested that I get a print off of possible side effects of Prilosec.
Side Effects of Prilosec:
-Numbness or tingling of the hands (My carpel tunnel syndrome has been worse the past few weeks.)
Symptoms of a serious allergic reaction include:
-Itching (Eureka! I figured it out. I felt like I was on an episode of House.)
It looks like it's back to me choking down Tums until Braxton shows up. (Only 7 more weeks!!)
I haven't changed lotions, body wash, shampoo/conditioner or anything like that recently. So I have no idea where all of this itching and scratching came from. I have tried the calming lotion and there was still no relief. At least, there hasn't been an actual rash that has broken out!
A few nights ago it was so bad that I couldn't sleep. (I was at least productive during my non-sleeping hours of 10P and 5A.)So, today I broke down and called my doctor. My nurse told me to come in for some lab work so that we could rule out something going on with my liver.
In the meantime she gave some medicine to take since the lab work won't be back until Tuesday. As I read the directions and usage instructions I start cracking up. The very first sentence says, "Hydroxyzine is used for the short-term treatment of nervousness and tension that may occur with certain mental/mood disorders." I swear, I'm not crazy, my skin really does itch!! The information sheet did go on to say, "It is also used to treat itching."
So why do I itch all over????? The only change in my routine that I could come up with was that recently I have been taking Prilosec daily for heartburn. (In my defense, my Doctor said that I could.) After talking with my mom she suggested that I get a print off of possible side effects of Prilosec.
Side Effects of Prilosec:
-Numbness or tingling of the hands (My carpel tunnel syndrome has been worse the past few weeks.)
Symptoms of a serious allergic reaction include:
-Itching (Eureka! I figured it out. I felt like I was on an episode of House.)
It looks like it's back to me choking down Tums until Braxton shows up. (Only 7 more weeks!!)
May 17, 2009
It's Baby Shower Time
This weekend I was blessed to be around several of my Murray friends at Braxton's first baby shower. Candace and Summer put together great food, great games and a great time. Thanks girls!!
We played a couple of games that I wanted to talk about. The first one was guess how many toilet paper squares would it take to go around my belly. I warned people that if they over guessed that I would kick them out. :) The winning number was....nope I'm not going to tell, you should have been there. The next game was to write down as many songs with the word "baby" in the lyrics. This game was a lot harder then you would think. Candace graced us with a Brittany Spears rendition, Rock-a-by baby was said by most of the people there and I came up with "Baby Got Back" and "Ice, Ice Baby." What songs can you think of?
I want to thank everyone for the lovely and thoughtful gifts for Braxton. I would also like to thank everybody for taking the time out of your busy schedules to celebrate this wonderful time in my life. (Les-Don't worry, I understand that Miss Callie is a soccer superstar. Just remember, when she goes to the Olympics I will need discount tickets.)

Gift Time

Game Time
We played a couple of games that I wanted to talk about. The first one was guess how many toilet paper squares would it take to go around my belly. I warned people that if they over guessed that I would kick them out. :) The winning number was....nope I'm not going to tell, you should have been there. The next game was to write down as many songs with the word "baby" in the lyrics. This game was a lot harder then you would think. Candace graced us with a Brittany Spears rendition, Rock-a-by baby was said by most of the people there and I came up with "Baby Got Back" and "Ice, Ice Baby." What songs can you think of?
I want to thank everyone for the lovely and thoughtful gifts for Braxton. I would also like to thank everybody for taking the time out of your busy schedules to celebrate this wonderful time in my life. (Les-Don't worry, I understand that Miss Callie is a soccer superstar. Just remember, when she goes to the Olympics I will need discount tickets.)
Gift Time
Game Time
May 10, 2009
Mother's Day Encore Post
I've just listed a few things that I want to teach Braxton. Now let me share a few things that I have learned with my mom. (Please, someone in Murray print this post out for my mom since she is computer illiterate.)
*These are in no particular order of importance.
1. Never walk out of a bathroom without checking to make sure that your skirt is not tucked into your pantyhose and that you don't have toilet paper stuck to your shoe. (Yes, both have happened to her in different stages of her life.)
2. Volunteer. Give money if you are able (no matter the amount), give your time if money is not an option, but most importantly give your prayers.
3. Prayer works, just maybe not in the way that you intended it work. God does know what is best for you and you have to accept that, no matter how hard it is to accept.
4. "Condoms can't protect your heart," "You can get pregnant the first time, " and "Herpes are forever" are a few of the quotes that my mom (the nurse) drilled into my head. She was obviously going for the scare tactic, huh?
5. Be independent. (My mom might have taught this one a little to well.) When I was older I remember my mom telling me that after my father left she didn't know how to do anything for herself. She said that she didn't know how to pump gas for the car or where to pay the bills among other things.
6. Make mistakes in life, but LEARN from them. I may not have chosen the easiest paths in my life but my mom had laid the ground work for to me be able to get back on the correct path. (Yeah, I teared up at that comment.)
7. A mother's love is unconditional!! Trust me, I challenged that love a lot while I was growing up. My mom may not have always loved what I was doing, but she did love me and I knew that she did! (More tears, I blame the hormones.)
Please share some of the "Mommy-isms" that you have received or given.
*These are in no particular order of importance.
1. Never walk out of a bathroom without checking to make sure that your skirt is not tucked into your pantyhose and that you don't have toilet paper stuck to your shoe. (Yes, both have happened to her in different stages of her life.)
2. Volunteer. Give money if you are able (no matter the amount), give your time if money is not an option, but most importantly give your prayers.
3. Prayer works, just maybe not in the way that you intended it work. God does know what is best for you and you have to accept that, no matter how hard it is to accept.
4. "Condoms can't protect your heart," "You can get pregnant the first time, " and "Herpes are forever" are a few of the quotes that my mom (the nurse) drilled into my head. She was obviously going for the scare tactic, huh?
5. Be independent. (My mom might have taught this one a little to well.) When I was older I remember my mom telling me that after my father left she didn't know how to do anything for herself. She said that she didn't know how to pump gas for the car or where to pay the bills among other things.
6. Make mistakes in life, but LEARN from them. I may not have chosen the easiest paths in my life but my mom had laid the ground work for to me be able to get back on the correct path. (Yeah, I teared up at that comment.)
7. A mother's love is unconditional!! Trust me, I challenged that love a lot while I was growing up. My mom may not have always loved what I was doing, but she did love me and I knew that she did! (More tears, I blame the hormones.)
Please share some of the "Mommy-isms" that you have received or given.
Happy Mother's Day
I am extremely excited to be joining the mommy club in a few short weeks (9 to be exact)!! Jeremy (after a little talking to from his mom) got me a pedicure and manicure package for Mother's Day. I'll be turning in my gift certificate next Friday.
Lately I've been thinking a lot about things that I want/need to teach Braxton. Here is a short list that I've come up with so far.
1. How to be a true southern gentleman complete with opening doors for women and saying yes ma'am and no ma'am. (Yes you can quote me on this in a few years.)
2. How to pick up after himself/everything has it's place-I know that our house will never be the same once a child has entered the picture, but I don't want toys and dirty clothes scattered all throughout the house. (Another thing that you can quote me on later.)
3. How to cook-well, I might have to leave this one up to Jeremy.
Trust me, this list is a lot longer in my head but I thought that I would sharing some of my inner thoughts with you all today.
Lately I've been thinking a lot about things that I want/need to teach Braxton. Here is a short list that I've come up with so far.
1. How to be a true southern gentleman complete with opening doors for women and saying yes ma'am and no ma'am. (Yes you can quote me on this in a few years.)
2. How to pick up after himself/everything has it's place-I know that our house will never be the same once a child has entered the picture, but I don't want toys and dirty clothes scattered all throughout the house. (Another thing that you can quote me on later.)
3. How to cook-well, I might have to leave this one up to Jeremy.
Trust me, this list is a lot longer in my head but I thought that I would sharing some of my inner thoughts with you all today.
Another Friday, Another Dinner Party
Jeremy and I are getting to be pros at having people over at our house. (I guess this is something that I need to get use to since Braxton will be here soon.)
Friday night we were graced with the presence of Matt, Laura, Bekah and Sam. Laura was having the best week ever. Seriously! Matt had proposed to her the past weekend and then she got Employee of the Month at cj Advertising during our monthly meeting. Way to go Laura (and Matt)!
We had Mexican the week before so we had Italian this week. I decided to go with "The Tour of La Vergne." This was similar to Olive Garden's Tour of Italy. :) Another yummy dinner at The Head House!
Friday night we were graced with the presence of Matt, Laura, Bekah and Sam. Laura was having the best week ever. Seriously! Matt had proposed to her the past weekend and then she got Employee of the Month at cj Advertising during our monthly meeting. Way to go Laura (and Matt)!
We had Mexican the week before so we had Italian this week. I decided to go with "The Tour of La Vergne." This was similar to Olive Garden's Tour of Italy. :) Another yummy dinner at The Head House!
May 7, 2009
Bad Bruiser!
Jeremy and I usually commute together to work. Today we didn't because I felt like I needed to get some more time in at work to get some projects completed. Then about 4:50P I got a call from Jeremy asking me to come home. He went on and told me that Bruiser decided to shred the aluminum cans that were by the refrigerator that I was recycling. Jeremy said that the cans were all of the living room floor. Bruiser's gums were cut due to him "playing" with the cans so there was also blood all over the carpet. (Thank goodness that we have recently invested in a steam cleaner!)
When I got home Jeremy's comment was, "Lauren, you gotta stop trying to save the Earth. Please, just let the cans pile up in the landfill far away from Bruiser." The Vet told us not to give him anything to make him throw up or poop it out because the aluminum could cut him. Instead his suggestion was to give Bruiser a few pieces of white bread to help absorb the small pieces and to pass them easier. So now we get to play the waiting game. Oh, so much fun I can hardly stand it!
Jeremy and I both LOVE the X-Men movies so we were excited about the Wolverine movie. My comment to him was something like "We HAVE to go see the movie the night it comes out!!!" So what do I do.....I schedule a dinner party for 10+ people the opening night. Oh well, Saturday was still an option.
Saturday night we had a double date with Deaton and Juile that included dinner and the movie. Here is my review....Hugh Jackman has a really cute butt that you get to see a couple of times. :)
Saturday night we had a double date with Deaton and Juile that included dinner and the movie. Here is my review....Hugh Jackman has a really cute butt that you get to see a couple of times. :)
Friday Night Dinner
What do you get when you combine 10 adults, 5 1/2 kids and an English Bulldog?
You get a packed house and a good time!
On May 1st Jeremy and I had a Uno de Mayo party with the Gobbles, Gilliams, Huckabys and Thompson. It was a loco good time! I do believe that is the most people that we have had in our house at one time. My favorite part was when the kids started jumping on the bed. I don't really know how that happened, but it was fun to watch. Jeremy and I both told them to keep on jumping b/c we needed a new mattress and it is still under warranty.
You get a packed house and a good time!
On May 1st Jeremy and I had a Uno de Mayo party with the Gobbles, Gilliams, Huckabys and Thompson. It was a loco good time! I do believe that is the most people that we have had in our house at one time. My favorite part was when the kids started jumping on the bed. I don't really know how that happened, but it was fun to watch. Jeremy and I both told them to keep on jumping b/c we needed a new mattress and it is still under warranty.
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