So after a few days of antibiotics Braxton developed a little rash. There I was just staring at a few little red dots on his arms so of course a call to the doctor was in our future. And of course this was Labor Day so the office was closed. The doctor on call told me to get him off of the medicine for a few days and see if the rash goes away. A few days went by and the rash went away. The follow up call to the doctor had us giving Braxton the remaining meds.

Braxton went back to daycare the Tuesday after Labor Day and everything was fine...then came Thursday. After I picked Jeremy up at work (we carpool several days a week) we got a call from the daycare saying that Braxton had developed a little rash. We asked what it looked like and they described the same rash that we had seen earlier in the week. By the time that we got to daycare I looked at him and I said to Jeremy "Get him in the car seat NOW!" What I saw on Braxton's face and arms wasn't little red dots. The teachers said "We've watched the rash grow over the past 30 minutes."
We got in the car and I started calling our doctor's office. It was 4:37P and they closed at 4:45P. Braxton was acting fine, but I was the one that was freaking out! I got a hold of the doctor's office, but I was already on my way there when they put me on hold. When we got to the office they still hadn't picked up the phone so I just hung up and started beating on the door and window. Finally they looked up and saw us. While I was signing Braxton in and paying the co-pay Braxton through up. Then ten seconds after that we heard at DISGUSTING fart. Then Jeremy looks at me with these big eyes and said "Braxton just pooped UP his shirt!" There we were with no diapers, no change of clothes, no nothing! We were taken back to the room and started cleaning him off with paper towels. The nurse brought in a diaper from another patient. Braxton usually wore a size 1 diaper and the diaper that we had just been given was a size 4.

The doctors came in to see him and they decided that it wasn't a reaction to the medicine. If it had been that then he would have had the rash all over his body instead of just on exposed areas. The doctors also didn't want to label Braxton with a penicillin allergy. They asked if he had been out side and exposed to the sun. We called the daycare to confirm that he hadn't been outside, and he hadn't. They didn't think that it was a bug bite because it was on several parts of his body. The verdict was that it was a topical allergic reaction and Benedryal was the prescription. What an amazing drug! Within 15 minutes the rash was gone and I mean completly gone!
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