He pooped all over her!
I was finishing up shopping at Kohl's and my mom and Braxton were taking a little break. Braxton had been a little fussy about 30 minutes before so they decided to go sit down. When a nice couple stopped by to admire how cute Braxton was (and who can blame them) they said something to my mom about how cute his baseball outfit was and my mom lifted to show them how he had a baseball on his butt. Well, when she did that let's just say that the baseball looked like it had some "dirt" on it because it was no longer a white baseball.
We had to go into the bathroom at Kohl's and practically give Braxton a bath in the sink in order to get all of the "dirt" off of him.
I didn't have to buy my mom a new pair of jeans, but the shopping trip did end right then and there.
this story is CLASSIC! It's the Brown Baseball story.