April 24, 2009

End of the Week Update

Just wanted to give everyone an update of the happenings with the Heads.

Tuesday was another great doctor's visit for Braxton and myself. Braxton's heartbeat (that I could sit and listen to all day) was strong and beating at 150-160 times per minute. We were informed that we need to start going to the doctor every two weeks. WOW! It just didn't dawn on Jeremy and I how close we were to July 11th! I swear it feels like just the other day I saw the little plus sign. Anyways, I have been very blessed with a healthy pregnancy. The only things that I can (but won't) complain about is the heartburn and the fact that I developed carpal tunnel. Who knew that carpal tunnel was a side-effect of pregnancy. On my right hand the middle three fingers are numb all of the time. It's not that big of a deal to me because my doctor says that it will go away as soon as I give birth. Jeremy will tell you that my hormones are a little out of whack from time to time, but I say that is pretty normal for me. Oh and another GREAT part of the doctor's appointment....I lost one pound last month!! Okay, so it's not much but I'm going to take it!

On another Braxton note...he had hiccups last night. This was so funny to me. Jeremy didn't seem as amused as I was, but he felt my stomach anyways. A few weeks ago it felt like he was taking his fingers and running them along the right side of my rib cage. It wasn't quite a tickle, but pretty close.

This weekend Middle Tennessee is suppose to have nice 80 degree weather. What does that mean? It means that I won't see Jeremy at all on Saturday or Sunday because he will be playing golf. That's okay with me because I am thinking about doing a little shopping at The Avenue in Murfreesboro.

April 13, 2009

Sumner County Arthritis Walk HELP Needed!!

Hey guys, I'm sending out a S.O.S. Next Sunday (April 19th) I am participating in the Sumner County Arthritis Walk. The problem is this...so far I have only raised $10 towards my personal goal of $250. I am asking for your contribution in order to make this another successful event for Camels with a Cause. CWAC, for short, is an organization within cj Advertising that is dedicated to raising necessary funds for charities that need help throughout the Nashville area. To make a much appreciated donation please go here. Thanks in advance for your support!

April 12, 2009

Hoppy Easter!

This Easter weekend Jeremy and I went back to Kentucky. The weekend started Friday night when we met up with Marsha and Charlie for a great meal at Tom's Grille. Not only was the meal great, but so was the conversation. Thanks for both guys!

On to Saturday...Jeremy and Dewayne went and played golf while my mom and I did a "little" shopping. Thanks to a suggestion by Marsha (and a little persuasion from my mom) I completed a baby registry at The Plaid Rabbit in Murray. After another great meal at Mugys's Hideout we went to the movies. Now a Siskel and Ebert moment: Knowing, the movie staring Nicolas Cage, should have been a $1 rental from The Red Box instead of forking over $20 for two tickets and the all important Icee. The movie was good until the last 15-20 minutes and then it took a weird turn and never recovered.

Sunday was a great day for worship (and golf). Jeremy and I wish we could find a church here in La Vergne/Smyrna area that resembles my church in Murray. Don't worry, we are still looking so pray for us in our search.

April 6, 2009

Mule Day 2009

Let me first of all thank the Gobble's for allowing me to be a part of their family while at the parade. Thanks! Secondly let me explain why I needed to thank them. See, Mule Day is on a Saturday. If the weather is nice on a Saturday or Sunday, or Tuesday, or Thursday, or any day of the week for that matter I am a golf widow. Do not feel sorry for me, I rather enjoy this part of my life! Jeremy was playing golf with our friend Zach so I had to pick him up after the parade.

Later on that afternoon (after a much needed nap) we went to Connie and Booby Lee Harris' house for their annual Mule Day festivities. Early in the week Jeremy had said that he didn't think that he wanted to go to Mule Day this year. I put a stop to that way of thinking quickly. I said that I loved going out to Connie and Bobby Lee's house and seeing everybody. Jeremy looked puzzled by what I had said (this is very common thing to happen) so I had to explain myself. I told him that I consider Mule Day to be getting together at the Harris House; not the parade, not the mules, the t-shirts or the buttons. The get together at their house is what Mule Day is all about to me! Thank you Connie and Bobby Lee for another GREAT Mule Day!

(Please see Mule Day pictures below. Oh wait, I didn't take any. Sorry! Trust me, next year will be a completely different story.)